JSNFS, KFN and SCJ Joint Symposium
Trends in Food Science, Function and Processing
SS会場(中村学園大学 1号館10F 大講義室)
Kiyotaka Nakagawa
(Tohoku University / Chair of International Academic Cooperation Committee, Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science(JSNFS))
Sung-Soo Park
(Jeju National University / Chair of International Cooperation Committee, Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition(KFN))
Asako Takenaka
(Meiji University / Chair of IUNS Committee, Science Council of Japan(SCJ))
Kaeko Murota
(Shimane University / IUNS Committee member, Science Council of Japan(SCJ))
- Opening Remarks
○Hiroshi Yoshida
The Jikei University Kashiwa Hospital / President of JSNFS
- Greetings
○Deog-Hwan Oh
Kangwon National University / President of KFN
- ISY-1 Carving a new era in dietary carbohydrate: Activation of the gut-brain axis
○Jongbin Lim
Department of Food Bioengineering, Jeju National University
- ISY-2 Endocrine loop of vitamin D homeostasis in liver, kidney or intestine
○Ichiro Kaneko
School of Human Science and Environment, University of Hyogo
- ISY-3 Physicochemical characteristics and volatile compounds of oils prepared from edible insects
Hanbyeol Jang, ○Hae Won Jang
Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, Sungshin Women’s University
- ISY-4 B Unpreferable triglyceride for lethal rupture of abdominal aortic aneurysm and preferable triglycerides for prevention of the rupture
○Nobuhiro Zaima
Agricultural Technology and Innovation Research Institute, Kindai University
- Closing Remarks
○Hitoshi Ashida
Kobe University / Vice-President