A message from the President of the Society

The President of the Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science (2010-2011) : Hitoshi Ishida

The President of the Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science : Hitoshi Ishida

First of all, I would like to announce that the Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science(JSNFS) has registered as public interest incorporated association as of September 1, 2011.

JSNFS will continue to promote the activities related to the advancement of nutritional science and food science as a part of a public enterprise. In order to pursue this goal, we will organize annual meetings and various symposia as well as the 12th Asian Congress of Nutrition, which will be held in 2015, as a part of international activities of the society. Furthermore, we will continue to publish the Journal of JSNFS periodically with more efficient editorial work, for the utilization and the spread of information on nutrition and food science. At the same time, JNSV, the international journal, needs to be utilized more effectively for the internationalization of JSNFS.

While we pursue the activities for the members of JSNFS and the public, our society will initiate a working group and periodically discuss the direction of the society to cope with a new system as a public interest incorporated association. This working group will also function as a consultative body for the board of directors. The group’s main tasks are as follows:

  • 1) Examining the editorial system of the JSNFS journal, including the viability of having a fixed office to do more efficient editorial work together with the estimation of the cost
  • 2) Strengthening the governance on activities and accounting of the branches of the society
  • 3) Clarifying the roles of each member of the board of directors
  • 4) Expanding the activities for the public interest, such as periodical organization of symposia and enhancement of publication works
  • 5) Cooperating with other academic societies, especially with the societies related to the field of nutrition, including the possibility of co-hosting symposia and academic meetings as well as approving credits required for getting licenses and certificates
  • 6) Strengthening the ties with the Japan Medical Association to increase the number of medical doctors as members
  • 7) Examining to see if the expense for holding the annual meeting and the method to select the chairperson of the organizing committee are proper

Based on the above examination, we will keep making an effort to build solid grounds for the management of the society and the services for the society members. By becoming a public interest incorporated association, we are granted further trust and new responsibilities entailed. I believe this transformation will bring us a chance to revitalize our activities. I would very much appreciate cooperation and support from the members in order to make our society more “attractive.”

Last, but not least, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the members of the working group for the shift to the public interest incorporated association who have endeavored for such a long time to make a smooth shift from the incorporated association.

Messages from Past Presidents